Hi, I’m Lieve

When I decided in 2020 to become an RTT Therapist, I was crystal clear about one thing. I had finally found my path. A whole new profession totally aligned with my super-strong soft skills. Effective listening skills. Born empath. Painting pictures with words. Fascinated with the intangible and abstract aspects of life. Curious about the mystery of the invisible patterns. Our subconscious programming.

I value the freedom to be me. Radiant confidence to speak the truth and say no more often. In this life I want to connect, grow and thrive. Embrace a deep loving relationship from within. Use my power of choice. Let go of needless fears and useless convictions. Take control of my thoughts. It’s all in the mind. More connection. Freedom. More joy.

What do you really really want?

It is my intention to help you take the next big step to OVERCOME your struggle of limiting BELIEFS and diminishing THOUGHTS. Combining the POWER of your GENIUS MIND and my special guidance, we ignite TRANSFORMATION.